One year ago today I created this blog. I did this because I have people asking me all the time for my recipes. I also thought it would be a good virtual cook book for my kids when they are out on their own and craving some of moms recipes. I thought it would be fun on this anniversary to let you know some interesting facts about
this blog over the past year.
I have done a total of 76 posts in the past 52 weeks. Some of my posts have been shard on the websites of other bloggers. I also have put some of the recipes on my Pinterest page. When I make a post I share it on Google+ as well as Facebook. This has really circulated the blog. I have had a total of 5,250 page views and counting in the past year. Because I am able to track audiences, and traffic sources on my blog I can see that people are not just using their computers to view my recipes, but they are looking at my blog on I Pads, I Phones, I Pods, Android Tablets, and Blackberry devices. I have a viewing audience from around the world. I am amazed at who looks at this blog.
My top ten locations are:
United States
United Kingdom
I have earned a total of $1.88 on this blog....yes I can earn money! I know it is not a lot but I am dependant on you, my viewing audience to click on those ad's on my blog. When you do I earn money.
Some of my most popular page views are:
The Cake Plate with 525 views
Tie Dye Frosting with 263 views
Edible Diorama with 228 views
Cinnamon Knots with 106 views
Tex-Mex Casserole with 71 views
Some of my least popular page views are:
Beefy Noodle Soup with 6 views
Garlic Bread Sticks with 10 views
Ham and Potatoes with 10 views
Zucchini Muffins with 11 views
Banana Bread with 12 views
I really enjoy checking the blog after I create a post to see how popular it is, who is looking at it and how many countries I am reaching. It is fun to share a recipe with a professional blogger and have them review it and share it with others. This is how my Cake Plate post became so popular...I shared it with The Southern Fried Bride. Thanks for taking the time to view my humble little blog. I cannot believe a year has gone by. I look forward to several more anniversaries!